Jul 31, 2012

Home Care Services are Essential to Some - My Comment within the Hamilton Spectator

My comment was published within the Hamilton Spectator once again! My article outlined the governments need to cut health care budgets for hospitals in Ontario, which will allow the government to relocate the 24.7 million dollars for home care services. Although hospitals could use a boost in budgets, many people across Canada who suffer from illnesses and diseases depend on these home care services for a variety of reasons. Read my entire post or re-read the original article published in the Spec.com.

Jul 30, 2012

Chronic Diseases - Types of Chronic Illnesses

Human body - disorders
There are many types of chronic illnesses that one can have within their lifetime. Studies show that 1 in 5 Canadians suffer from some form of chronic disease. The risks increase the older you get. This journal is here to help those individuals understand the risks involved with chronic illnesses. Below you'll find a full list of health conditions anyone can get at any time.

Angina  (an-JI-nuh or AN-juh-nuh) is chest pain which caused due to restriction in blood vessels that fail to deliver enough oxygen-rich blood to the heart.

Is a condition that affect joints from the tissue surrounding the joints preventing normal movement and inflicting pain to the individual with arthritis. A person can have mild or chronic arthritis limiting ones ability to perform every day tasks.

Asthma is a chronic illness which affects children and adults. No one is ammune to this condition which can affect a person at any time of their life. Asthma is known as coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain and wheezing. A person can have an asthma attack from exerting too much energy at one given time, preventing a persons ability to breath properly.

Jul 28, 2012

Phase I, II, III Completed!

Dear Readers,

All three phases outlining my battles over 15 years is finally completed! Other branching-journals will come later on, but for now I will focus on creating the interviews given to others with chronic illnesses. Please feel free to check out my ongoing battles and triumphs.

Phase I - Blood Clots & Rare Conditions
Phase II - Rare Vascular Conditions
Phase III - Dealing with Chronic Mental Stresses

Thank you to all for your continuing support!

Editor & Author,
Martin R. Lemieux

Some health-care myths debunked

TheSpec.comContributor: Stephen Skyvington
Source: The Hamilton Spectator

Preview: "And although you could have fit my knowledge about health care into a small syringe when I first started at the OMA, I feel uniquely qualified to comment on our health-care system thanks to the ringside seat I’ve occupied during the past 15-plus years — first with the OMA and since 2001, working with a number of health-care organizations and businesses as owner of my own public relations firm."

Jul 26, 2012

Phase II Completed!

Dear Readers,

Once you've completed the journey of reading "Phase I" of my conditions, I invite you to embark on "Phase II" of my extensive conditions that have plague me for a long time.

Warning: For those of you with a weak stomach, please be careful while browsing through Phase II, it's not for the faint of heart.

If you wish to read Phase II - My Chronic Illnesses, please click on the link to the right, or click here >

This is just the beginning of what's to come within this journal! I have five families already lined up to take an interview. Soon you will be able to learn personally what's it like to parent a child with autism and also learn the battles individuals go through with mental illnesses. These stories will be very personal and 100% real.

Thank you for taking the time.

Phase I Completed!

Dear readers,

I've been working on an extensive recollection of the trials and tribulations that I've had to go through within our health care system that outlines in detail all of the rare conditions, diseases and birth defects in my life.

Phase I - My Chronic Illness is Completed!

Phase I is now complete and you can read the entire story from the link to the right, or by clicking here >

Thank you for visiting.

Jul 24, 2012

Nurses are Essential to Chronic Health for Long Term Healing

Yesterday, I was published in the Hamilton Spectator about the need for nurses to have more integrated responsibilites which would allow them to deal with chronic illnesses and other ailments on a more personal level. Below is the article that was published on the topic and afterwards I've posted the comment I made which was published in the Spectator just days later.

Welcome to My Chronic Illness Journal!

Hi everyone,

Yes, this marks the very 1st blog within my new "Chronic Illness" blog. In the near future you will see a multitude of topics go up very fast since I love to write and have many friends willing to share their stories.