How to Tell if I have a Blood Clot?
The signs are there, you just need to know what to look for. I must also note that in some cases, diabetics get the same symptoms, but merely have a build up of water within their legs which is called; peripheral edema.
Either way, it's important to see a doctor as soon as you can before any damage is done as follows;
1) Pulmonary embolism (main artery in the lung) a.k.a PE
2) Deep Vein Thrombosis a.k.a DVT's (clots in the legs)
3) Stroke / Heart Attack (clot to the heart) a.k.a HA
4) Brain Aneurysm (cerebral vessel blood clot) a.k.a BA
Blood clot deaths may be ranked
Most Symptoms (DVT):
1) It may start with a sharp pain, deep under the skin.
2) This sharp pain will feel a little lumpy.
3) You'll notice your legs starting to swell up in the calf.
4) Then your feet will swell up.
5) The pain will worsen and your limbs will become like an elastic trying to snap back when you walk.
6) By this time, about two days have passed and your skin starts to change colour (yellow & red).
7) Your leg will seem extra warm no matter what conditions outside.
8) You will be able to add an indent into your leg by pushing a finger in the are of the swelling. This indent will not retract right away.
Pulmonary Embolism:
1) Shortness of breath. This is usually a bad sign for many reasons.
2) Sharp chest pain, which seems to take your breath away.
3) Coughing up blood, never a good sign.
A Clots Path to Destruction:
Most clots start downward away from the heart. The tricky part is whether or not the clot resides in your main arteries/veins or superficial artery/vein systems. Your superficial arteries are those that branch out from the main stem just like a tree would with branches.
Having a clot in your superficial system can prevent a clot from moving back upwards from the arteries into the vein system to be purified by the heart. When a clot moves freely upward, that's when things can really get dangerous.
On the other hand, if a clot gets stuck in one of these smaller arteries or veins, it will have nowhere to go, but still can do a lot of damage to that system causing conditions like; Vasculitis, or Ulcers over time.
In Conclusion:
If you experience ANY or ALL of these symptoms, stop what you're doing and go to the emergency right away.
Martin R Lemieux@CanadaBloodClot
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