May 10, 2013

Day 2 - Hyperbaric Oxygenation Chamber Therapy:

Today was much easier than yesterday since, the nerves weren't there and I had my kit ready to go prior to attending my session.

There was one big difference today, they increased the pressure much faster than yesterday which presented a problem with my left ear. As a child, I used to get major ear infections all the time.

When the pressure was increased, my left ear blocked right up and caused a great deal of pain. Through a specialized "comm-system", I immediately made the doctor in charge aware of my discomfort which is he turned down the dial and everything went back to normal.

The two hours in the chamber went as quickly as yesterday so no biggie.

Here's an unexpected positive result. Due to the fact that the oxygen is helping with my inflammation, I am able to wear my shoes easily without pain and walking seems to be much easier than before. Only two sessions in and already some great side effects.

Also, my right leg ulcer which is the size of a square inch is now showing signs to healthy blood spores. Meaning, it doesn't look ugly yellow ("guano" from bacteria), and instead looks bright red with healthy blood cells at the base of the ulcer. More blood, more healing 

That's all for day 2.
(Take a look at the pictures from today).


Martin R. Lemieux

@Blood_Disorder (#TheBloodRevolution)

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